Tuesday, 17 November 2020

About this log, I mean blog.

http://www.adas.uk/Portals/0/EasyDNNnews/4/4Arboriculture.jpgI'm planning on becoming a tree surgeon, and as I am doing a lot of research I thought I would share the best stuff I find in the format of a blog. Expect articles on arboriculture, Videos (instructional and otherwise), Some fact sheets, information on up and coming events, and some Jokes too.

Jokes like this:

 "We have an old tree that became diseased and was losing its bark. We felt it needed a bark transplant and called a tree surgeon.The communication was mangled and when the surgeon arrived, he went to work on a tree across the street.He was halfway done when I noticed the error. I tried to stop him, yelling, “Stop! Stop! You’re barking up the wrong tree!”

 And also, of course, nice pictures of tree's like this:

